Deadline for NW Highlands Geopark funding appeal extended


North West Highlands Geopark has been given an extension to its funding appeal deadline by Crowdfunder, the organisation through which the appeal is being organised. The new deadline is June 5th 2017. (The original one was May 15th 2017.) The geopark has also reduced its appeal target from £70,000 to a more realistic £30,000. The £17,000 raised until today has been sent to the geopark to allow it to pay its staff at the end of May and to start working on a new business plan with Highlands and Islands Enterprise. If the new target of £30,000 is reached, this will allow the geopark to open its visitor centre for the 2017 season and give it time to implement a new business plan to raise the £70,000 needed to safeguard its immediate future.

The background to this story can be found here. Donations to the crowdfunding appeal can be made here.
