Find your local geoconservation site in the Strathclyde area for a fun day out!

Aberfoyle District

Aberfoyle District

The relationships between the Dalradian block and the Midland Valley; details of the structure and stratigraphy of the Highland Border Complex; recumbent folding in Upper Dalradian rocks.
Ardmore Point

Ardmore Point

Stratigraphy and sedimentation of the Lower and Upper Devonian; the angular unconformity which separates them.


The Highland Boundary Fault separates the Highlands from the Lowlands with metamorphic rocks to the north and sedimentary rocks to the south.
Building Stones of Glasgow University

Building Stones of Glasgow University

A walk around the building stones of Glasgow University. The guide contains colour photos and an easy to follow map of the campus.
Calderglen Country Park

Calderglen Country Park

A dramatic sandstone gorge in an area where coal and limestone deposits were of economic importance.
Campsie Glen

Campsie Glen

Take a step back in time at Campsie Glen! Here you can stand on the site of an ancient lagoon, and climb your way up through a series of ancient lava flows – a remnant of the Campsie Hills volcanic past. 
Corrie Burn

Corrie Burn

Sedimentary and volcanic rocks of Lower Carboniferous age and evidence for the Campsie Fault.
Crow Road Geological Information Boards

Crow Road Geological Information Boards

Geological information boards describing the geology and landscape evolution of the Campsie Fells.


Drumlins of Glasgow

Drumlins of Glasgow

Find out about the many glacially deposited hills upon which much of the city was built.
Dumbarton Rock

Dumbarton Rock

A basalt plug which is the only remaining evidence of the volcano which existed on this site 330-340 million years ago.
Duncryne Hill

Duncryne Hill

Explore the remains of a Carboniferous volcano at the Duncryne Hill, Gartocharn.
Extinct Volcanoes and Lavas of the Campsie Fells

Extinct Volcanoes and Lavas of the Campsie Fells

Prominent basalt rock feature that can be visited via Strathkelvin Railway Path/John Muir Way.
Fossil Grove

Fossil Grove

Beautifully preserved fossil tree stumps and roots from the Carboniferous period in Glasgow’s Victoria park.
Glasgow Necropolis

Glasgow Necropolis

Explore the geology of some of the remarkable monuments in this cemetery. The architecture, sculpture, views and stories continue to fascinate visitors.
Glasgow Rocks

Glasgow Rocks

Many different types of rock have been used in the construction of Glasgow's buildings. A booklet describing a geological trail around the buildings of Central Glasgow is available to download.
Havoc Hole

Havoc Hole

Remains of a fossil sea cliff
Kelvin Walkway Trail

Kelvin Walkway Trail

A 4 km trail along the River Kelvin with good exposures of Carboniferous rocks (sandstone, mudstone and silstone) and numerous bridges with interesting stonework.
New Lanark and the Falls of Clyde

New Lanark and the Falls of Clyde

History, nature and geology can be enjoyed at this site.


Geology of the area surrounding Portencross Castle
Rouken Glen

Rouken Glen

Sedimentary rocks from the Carboniferous period and evidence of the Quaternary glaciation.
The Whangie

The Whangie

A popular short walk with remarkable geomorphology and views.
Twechar Geological Information Board

Twechar Geological Information Board

A geological information board describing the geology and landscape evolution of the Campsie Fells.
Upper Kelvin Valley: Kilsyth and Cumbernauld Areas

Upper Kelvin Valley: Kilsyth and Cumbernauld Areas

Around the towns of Kilsyth and Cumbernauld lies an area rich in geology interest, natural and industrial heritage.