The rocks and scenery around Glasgow make it one of the finest regions in Britain from which to gain an understanding of geology, the science of the Earth.
The Geological Society of Glasgow was founded in 1858, and since that time has had a proud history of activity and achievement in the study of geology in Scotland. It is one of the senior scientific societies of the UK with many famous names, such as that of Lord Kelvin, listed as former presidents.
The Geological Society of Glasgow is a registered Scottish charity; its charity number is SC007013. The rules of the society are laid down in its constitution, and its business is conducted by its council.
The society doesn’t undertake commercial or government-funded consultancy work, but does deal with conservation issues through the Strathclyde Geoconservation Group. Anyone seeking professional advice on geology-related matters, such as ground conditions, flood risk and building materials, should contact the British Geological Survey or the Scottish Environment Protection Agency.
From October to May, a programme of illustrated lectures is presented by speakers specially chosen for their ability to interest and inform their audience at all levels. Normally held on the second Thursday of each month, the meetings take place at 7:00pm in the Molema Building, Lilybank Gardens, University of Glasgow, .
Lecture programme for the current session
Lectures given in previous sessions
All meetings are open to anyone who wishes to come along.
Field excursions are a particularly worthwhile activity of the society. During the spring and summer months, day excursions are made to localities of geological significance under the guidance of a leader who has special knowledge of the area being visited. One excursion is held jointly with the Edinburgh Geological Society. Residential excursions, lasting for a weekend or longer, are also arranged. In recent years the society has visited Lochaber, Antrim, the Stonehaven Area and Ardnamurchan and islands as diverse as Gran Canaria, Anglesey, Islay and Bute.
Residential excursions programme
Society members have access to the Scottish Journal of Geology.
The society holds an extensive  collection of books, journals and excursion guides. For more details, see the Library page.
Membership of the society is open to all who are interested in geology. In addition to the benefits described above, members receive:
Details of how to join the society can be found on the How to Join page.
Come along to our meetings and sample geology!