The Geological Society of Glasgow invites applications for grants to support projects that further the aims of the society, i.e. to encourage public interest in geology and to advance geological knowledge through events, fieldwork and research. Applications may be from organisations or individuals.
Grants will be awarded provided a suitable Scottish connection can be demonstrated through the work itself or through the recipient or their institution. Each application will be judged on the excellence of the project, on its relevance to the society’s aims, and on its affordability. Funding requests of up to £1,000 will be considered, and those that are matched by funding from other sources are more likely to receive favourable consideration. Grants will not be given retrospectively for any expenditure already incurred. Exceptionally, further support may be provided for larger projects.
Successful applicants will be required to do the following: acknowledge funding from the society in all publications relating to the funded project; display the GSG logo (provided on request) on any products procured with the support of GSG; and produce a report for the society within 9 months of receiving a grant, in a form which can be published on the GSG website, on social media sites or in publications. Successful applicants may also be asked to make a short presentation to the members of the society.
All applications should include a supporting letter from the applicant’s institution or a relevant external professional.
Applications should be submitted by email using the grant application form to the society’s honorary secretary. Applications will normally only be considered by Council twice a year and should therefore be submitted in good time, by either 31 March or 31 October.