T. N. George Medal


At the society's meeting on March 14, the T. N. George Medal was awarded to Professor Jenny Clack, of Cambridge University. This medal, which is awarded by the society to honour researchers who have made major contributions in the fields of palaeontology and/or stratigraphy, was awarded to Professor Clack for her outstanding work in furthering our understanding of the evolution of tetrapods. The citation for the award was read by Neil Clark, the curator of palaeontology at the Hunterian Museum, and the award was made by Brian Bell, the president of the society.

Following the award, Professor Clack gave a stimulating lecture entitled Populating Romer’s Gap: rebuilding terrestrial ecosystems after the end-Devonian mass extinction, in which she described her past work in discovering tetrapod fossils, and her plans to add to these finds.

The citation for the award can be read here, and a summary of Professor Clack's lecture can be found here.

