Leader: Dr Iain Allison
The Highland Boundary Fault passes through Aberfoyle and brings up the low grade metamorphic rocks of the Dalradian succession against the upturned conglomerates of Lower Devonian age. Slivers of Highland Border Complex rocks occur in the fault zone. The greywackes and slates of the Southern Highland Group of the Dalradian here form the downward closing synform of the major Aberfoyle anticline. On this excursion we shall examine the various rock types and their sedimentary and tectonic structures in order to confirm the accepted view, first expounded over 40 years ago by Shackleton, that the major structures have been overturned. Some of the walking will be along forestry tracks but there will also be rougher boggy and heathery ground to traverse.
£15 deposit. This is set at a level to recover the anticipated costs of the trip. In addition, please be aware that any balance of costs will be recovered by a small surcharge on the day of the excursion.
Leaving Gregory Building at 9:00, travelling by coach