Dr Andrew Finlayson, British Geological Survey, Edinburgh
Andrew’s talk will focus on new work from Loch Lomond and some of the stories coming from the multibeam bathymetric and shallow seismic surveys.
Further Reading
Finlayson, A., Fabel, D., Bradwell, T. and Sugden, D. 2014. Growth and decay of a marine terminating sector of the last British Irish Ice Sheet. Quaternary Science Reviews, 83, 28-45.
Finlayson, A. 2020. Glacial conditioning and paraglacial sediment reworking in Glen Croe (the Rest and be Thankful), western Scotland. Proceedings of the Geologists’ Association, 131, 138–154.
Andrew graduated in 2001 from the University of St. Andrews in 2001 and undertook an MSc at Royal Holloway, University of London. Subsequently he did a PhD at the University of Edinburgh and joined BGS in 2005.
This lecture will be held as a Zoom meeting. Society members for whom we have email addresses will be sent an invitation a few days before the event. If you are a member but are not on our email list, or a non-member who would like to join the meeting, please email the society’s meetings secretary to request an invitation.