Professor Bruce Levell, University of Oxford
The Neoproterozoic Argyll Group (Dalradian Supergroup), is a well-exposed, 10 km thick, sequence recording a transition from glacial through shallow marine to slope and deep-water sediments and pillow lavas. It probably represents the rift-to-drift sequence of the Laurentide margin of Iapetus.
Two units are presented: the Port Askaig Formation, probably the Sturtian phase of “Snowball Earth”, and the Jura “Quartzite”, a 5 km thick cross-bedded, sandstone. These allow general points to be made about “Snowball Earth” and preservation bias in the sedimentary record respectively.
Bruce has a DPhil from the University of Oxford. He worked for Royal Dutch Shell from 1978 to 2013, when he became a visiting professor back at the University of Oxford. With Shell he worked as an explorer in Sarawak, Sabah, USA, UK and Oman, and as a researcher on basin modelling, seismic stratigraphy, and regional geology. He was variously Exploration Manager in Petroleum development Oman, VP of New Ventures in Shell Global Exploration, VP Emerging Technologies in Shell Research and Shell Group Chief Scientist for Geology. Within Shell he led several advanced training programmes in geology and in leadership. He was awarded the Silver Medal of the Petroleum Group, Geological Society of London, in 2009. He is currently editing a sedimentology textbook as well as being engaged in research projects in Scotland, Oman, and Zambia.
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