This is the first of a series of virtual field trips to Islay, Jura and Colonsay being presented by David Webster. It will be an excursion to the north-east coast of Islay, the best place to see the stromatolites of the Bonahaven Fm in all their 3D glory. The trip will also feature a lot of other really interesting geology, some classic Ice Age geomorphology and great coastal scenery.
This is Excursion 9 in A Guide to the Geology of Islay by D. Webster, R. Anderton & A. Skelton (Ringwood Publishing, 2015). It’s a long walk in real life, and an armchair version could suit a lot of folk!
The event will be held as a Zoom meeting. Society members for whom we have email addresses have been sent instructions on how to join the meeting. If you are a member but did not receive an email, or a non-member who would like to join the meeting, please email the society’s meetings secretary to request the instructions.
We are going to be joined at the event by some experts in the geology of this area – Ian Fairchild (who did his PhD on the area and wrote the 1991 Geologists’ Association guide), Alasdair Skelton from Stockholm (an expert on metamorphic fluids and co-author of the 2015 guide) and Tony Spencer (of Port Askaig Tillite fame) who is zooming in from Norway.