Residential excursion to Raasay



Raasay, looking north from the Isle of Skye. The prominent flat-topped summit is Dun Caan.

Photo: Brian Bell


The society is planning a residential excursion to the island of Raasay, in the Inner Hebrides, for the weekend 27-30 April 2018. Details can be found here.

A provisional booking of accommodation in Raasay House has been made for the excursion. However, as accommodation in Raasay is very scarce and in high demand, this booking needs to be confirmed in the very near future. Therefore, if you are at all interested in this special trip, please contact the Residential Excursion Secretary, Maggie Donnelly ( as soon as possible, and preferably by 28 February 2017, to let us establish whether the trip is viable. No deposit is required at this stage.
