The Anniversaries page has been updated with extracts from the Proceedings for the anniversary years for the current session.
The Anniversaries page has been updated with extracts from the Proceedings for the anniversary years for the current session.
A trilobite fossil with gut contents still preserved is the first of its kind to be found, and shows that this ancient animal had a voracious appetite
Australia’s pink diamonds were brought to the surface about 1.3 billion years ago when the supercontinent Nuna broke up.
NatureScot has published a new edition of the Scottish Fossil Code.
Dr Mike Keen was elected as an honorary member of the society at the members’ night on 11 May 2023.
The programme of day excursions for summer 2023 has now been arranged.
An analysis of the vertebrae of the Late Jurassic saurapod Mamenchisaurus sinocanadorum indicates that its neck was 15.1 metres long.
BBC Radio Scotland’s programme Out of Doors on Saturday December 17 contained a feature about Fossil Grove.
Following the society’s AGM, there are some changes to the membership of the society’s council.
A Jurassic fossil from Skye is helping to illuminate what the earliest ancestors of lizards and snakes looked like.